So yesterday was a very busy day, I spent a lot of time on the computer and also crocheting in between office and taking mom to her Dr in Duqoin. I was sitting at the dining room table working on my laptop when Corde (16 mos) walked over and picked up my glass. She usually doesn't get much out of a straw so I didn't think much about her sipping from my cup, that is, until ten minutes later, she handed me back an empty cup. At this point it hit me ... "Oh NO!!!! Corde just drank 10 oz of diet coke"!
*** My own daughter never got soda growing up because of the caffeine, sugar, all of it, it is so awful for them and my darling 16 month old neice just drank a diet coke that I GAVE HER!*****
So she was awake the entire drive to the doctor (30 mins away) and she played while NaNa was in the office and was WIDE AWAKE the entire way back to the house. I carry her into the house and put her down..................... at this point she starts jumping up and down, running in circles, Im feeling REALLY bad at this point........... THEN she walks over to the wall stares at it and has a complete baby discussion with it, then turns around and runs into my arms laughing! She laughed and sang the entire afternoon..... no nap...ooops! It was sooooo funny to see her dancing and spinning circles! I laughed all afternoon with her!She was in a perfectly good, hyper and energetic mood until her mama got there and she started to crash.... Uh Oh! Sorry Nancy!
Bad aunt A