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Thursday, March 3, 2011

When I Think I've heard it All........

So I am not one to talk about my job but this was too crazy to pass up..

I'm at work and this guy walks in and says "excuse me, I was using the bathroom behind your building and I looked down and saw this set of keys" and then he proceeds to try to hand them to me!!!!!!!!!!

Background info- There is no "bathroom" behind the building (just a dumpster)

Needless to say, I didn't touch the keys!
Shocking to say, I didn't pass out from the sheer horror of what kinds of bacteria may be on those keys!
While the entire episode was absolutely disturbing, I have not stopped laughing all day! Even tonight while sitting here, I am still bursting out in giggles and still blushing!!!


  1. OMG! The nerve of some people. Still you gotta wonder what on earth possessed him to tell you what he was doing when he could have just said,"I found these in your parking lot". LOL Still I guess he *was* trying to do a good deed. (But I wouldn't have touched those keys either, for what it's worth.)LOL
