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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Tiny Seed

A tiny seed was sown many years ago at my Grandma's knee. Help others, work hard and create new and useful things often. That seed has flourished just below the surface, in fertile soil; its roots have grown strong, spread deep and wide and now are bursting upward to the bright sunshine. I’m not sure exactly where this blog will go, I have many interests, many favorite things to occupy my time. Besides working full time, I love to crochet, knit, spin, quilt and dye fibers. Oh…… I forgot baking….. I love to bake!
Three things bring me immense JOY, My God, My Child and helping someone or something to find a purpose. Everyone and everything has a job to do, whether it’s the apron that keeps smudgy fingerprints from covering our mid sections, or maybe the mom who is at a complete loss with what to do with her life, now that her child is grown. We all have a purpose.
When I receive calls from my daughter asking for a well loved family recipe, how to fix something broken or just needing comfort, I think about the young women out there who are trying to make a home, with no role models, no one to give advice and limited resources. So many questions remain unanswered for so many of these young homemakers. How does dirt get THERE? How do I clean THAT? Why can’t someone PICK UP AFTER THEMSELVES? How do you suppose a half eaten banana ended up in my checkbookJ ?
God gives each of us special talents, although sometimes in this technologically advanced world I question how spinning my own wool or making my own laundry soap could possibly be considered a talent. Still I am interested in being closer to my heritage, be it a handmade afghan on the arm chair, an heirloom quilt on the bed or the smell of bread in the oven, I want others to enter my house and say “this is a Home”. We all have such different talents and an innate ability to learn from one another. Join me as my deeply rooted seedling pushes upward and spreads its branches.

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